
The vocabulary that children should know in order to follow the lessons and what I would like them to learn during the course of these lessons is the following:






To say hello and to say goodbye:

hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon...

bye bye, see you later, see you soon, see you tomorrow, see you on (Monday)...

To thank:

thanks, thank you, thanks a lot, thank you very much

To give and ask for information :

you (we…) have to, you (we…)should, you(I…) ought to, you can, you may…

What did you say? Can you repeat, please? Sorry? I don't understand you. Would you mind saying it again, please?

To express sensations, ideas, opinions...

I like, I don't like, I dislike, I hate, I love, I prefer, I would like, I wouldn't like…

I think, I believe, In my opinion

To ask for and to offer things:

Can I have …? Can we borrow from you the…? Would you mind letting me have your…? May I (we)...? Am I allowed to ...? Are we allowed to...? Should I (we)...

Do you want to use my…?

To accept or refuse something:

Yes, please/ No, thanks.

Yes, you can / No you can not.

Yes, you may / No you may not.

Yes, you are allowed to / No you are not allowed to.


Parts of the body


Cames/legs; cintura/waist; genolls/knee; cara/face; braços/arms; esquena/back; cap/head; avantbraç/forearm; punys/fists; coll/neck; peu/foot; peus/feet; dits/fingers; espatlla/shoulders; genoll(s)/knee(s); ull(s)/eye(s); nas/nose; boca/mouth; orella/ear; cabell/hair; pit/chest; estomac/stomach; mà/hand; polze/thumb; cuixa/thigh; canya(de la cama)/shin; turmell/ankle; colze/elbow; canell/wrist; natja/bottom; taló/heel; dit del peu/toe


Red, yellow, blue, green, orange, white, black.

Fequent Actions


To pass, to receive, to throw, to catch, to tackle, to run, to score, to re-start, to dribble, to push, to tackle, to shoot, to hit, to grip, to field, to bat and to bowl, to keep

Vocabulary related with the sports.

The scrum, the line-out, the restart, the try, the bully

Other vocabulary


Stick, bat, winner, loser, the attacker, the defender, the partner, player, grid, the goal, teams, sweeper, set of goals, area, clockwise, anti clockwise, role, fielder, bowler, batter, batman, team mate, wicket keeper, feeder, batter, dodger, tagger, ball carrier, team keeper, the thrower, hooker, props, scrum half





Half/halves, left/right, strong, safe, different, continuous, easy, narrow, right-handed, left-handed


Interrogatives pronoums
What, Where, How (many/much), which, who,

Possessive pronouns

d'ell/his; d'ella/her

Below/under-above/on the top, over, around, straight, inside, towards, along(side), behind, before, between, behind, below

Interrogatives pronoums

What, Where, How, Which, Who,


Should, can, may, must, could


Slightly, accurately, gently, firmly, easily



To accelerate, To add, To apply, To attempt, To arch, To arrive, To avoid, To bat (up/back), To bend, To binds, To bounce, To bowl, To catch, To chase, To change, To collect, To control, To create, To cross, To crowd, To decide, To defend, To divide, To dodge, To draw, To drop, To encourage, To ensure, To face, To fake, To follow, To gain, To gather, To give, To grab, To grasp, To hit, To hold, To improve, To increase, To intercept, To knock, To land, To let, To lift, To lose, To line up, To mark, To move, To place, To perform, To pick up, To point, To prevent, To raise, To reach, To relax, To release, To repeat, To rest, To return, To roll, To score, To slow down, To space out, To speed up, To spread out, To stand, To start, To steer, To stop, To succeed, To support, To swing, To tackle, To tag, To time, To touch, To trap, To try, To turn, To use, To wait, To widen.


To be in a standing position

To change (over) roles

To control the turn

To control direction and power

To control the stop

To extend hand forward slightly

To follow through with the stick

To get (1) point

To let stick turn

To look where you are going

To face the way they are going

To push away from the partner

To put hands apart grip

To head up

To be static

To try hard

To make it easy

Not to make it easy to be marked.

To pass the ball indifferent directions

To draw the defenders towards (them)

To use change of speed and direction

To go from one line to the other (of the grid)

To reach the other line (of the grid)

To dodge into a space

To change grip

To be in each corner of the grid

To be ready

To cut back in front for the pass

To be in partners,

To work in partners,

To be not allowed

Non throwing arm pointing towards the sky

As if grasping branch

To be encouraged

To take it turn to

To take (1) step to co-operate well as a team

To gain possession by intercepting the pass

To be ahead

The ball must be placed

One team plays against the other

To support each other

To keep possession of the ball

To keep the ball in close control

To use reversing stick to stop


To be on one side

To be on the other side

To play against the other

To trap the ball

To cross the end line

To cross the centre line

To keep stick low

To time the pass

To move into spaces

To move round (his/her) partner

To have (4) attempts each

To have (3) attempts before changing sides

To be involved all the time

To give safe passes

To work hard

To create spaces

To take into account

To lose balance


(3) consecutives times

A minimum of (3) passes

Continuous action

In the middle of the grid

In front of

The same way as.

The opposite team

Opposite goal

Opposing team

Supporting players

Different sides

Changing sides

Behind the marker


Throwing/non-throwing arm

As close as possible

Straight arm

With feet hip width apart

At least

The person in possession of the ball

Within (1) second)

Downward pressure

Fingers spread

Arms outstretched

Instead of.