We are in the Pilot Phase of the GEMS Program

The promoters of this project are: I*EARN and Schools On Line.

The main goal of this Pilot Phase is to put telecommunications within reach and the service of the community, from the opening of the ILCs and its dynamic, as well as extand the collaborative project work.

The of the CEIP Drassanes into the GEMS Program arrives in a very appropiate moment as it allows not only to continue the started work, but enlarge the opening of the school to the district and allow s to go deeply into the started cooperative tarannà as much at an internal level as in the cooperation with other schools.

Mothers visiting the new GEMS ILC on its inauguration day.

Today the sons and daughters are the teachers


We also have visits from the District

These are the Internet addresses where you may follow the collaborative work

Pathways to Peace


Conte de Tots

If you wish to know how the tale started by chilfren from the 2nd year finishes

Do not miss the planet of the PLENÍCOLES

If you wish to know how the tale where students from the 5th and 6th year participate is going on...

Planet Pragor and Planet Rom, group PC... Do not miss it!

Harry Potter

Cooperative project from books of Harry Potter. Cicle Superior

Cooperative projects of the educative Network of the Raval, XeR

Fora Muralles i Pas a l'ESO, no passa res. Cicle Superior


Collaborative work of Library St. Pau i Santa Creu. Cicle Mitjà

Sàlix i els Sentits

Educative project where they participate smallest in the school through different works on the senses

Un dia a la nostra escola

Educative project in which we participated the integral schools of GEMS

And this is the address where you can see how the Internet Workshop for

mares i pares is going on


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