Geometry and Patterns

Aboe Da’oedschool

Age 8-10

The children become acquainted with geometrical patterns which can be found in Islamic art and in the work of artists like M.C. Escher
The children create their own artwork with geometrical patterns with stamps made of potatoes.

Various examples of Islamic art and works of artists like M.C. Escher.
Potatoes to make stamps
A knife to carve the stamps

The teacher shows the children various examples of Islamic art and work of artists like M.C. Escher and discusses geometrical forms and symmetry and rhythm which can be found in these examples.


Main part:

  • The children design stamps to use for their artwork (the teacher carves the stamps for the children). The stamps have geometrical and fantasy forms.
  • The children create a work of art by printing the stamps in various orientations, using symmetry and rhythm.

An exposition is made in the classroom. The works are discussed with the children.