Constructing polyhedra



Lesson 1: With peas and toothpicks

To teach the pupils that there are many properties at the same time such as length, breadth, height, surfaces, edges and corners.

Yellow peas, toothpicks

The teacher prepares a set of objects with different geometrical forms which have been collected from around the school. The class look at the different objects and discuss the forms they present. The teacher tries to ensure that the pupils use the correct vocabulary in the discussion of the objects. The pupils then look for other objects in the class to add to the set the teacher has shown them.

Main part:
The pupils build models of three dimensional forms like those they have just been discussing, using peas and toothpicks. They are free to choose the first model to buid as long as they know how to describe it using the correct vocabulary.
Then the teacher asks the pupils to build models using toothpicks of the same length so that all the faces of the model are triangular.
Then the teacher shows the pupils some pictures of three dimensional figures which they have to build, among which are a cube, a rectangular parallelapiped and prisms.

Round up:
The class prepare an exhibition of all the models they have built. The pupils comment on their models and try to describe them using the correct vocabulary.

They really liked doing this lesson and the polyhedra look very nice hanging from the ceiling in our classroom.

Lesson 2: With paper


To build three dimensional geometrical figures to help the pupils understand the concept of “space”.

Models of four polyhedra on coloured papers (a cube, a rectangular parallelepiped, a pyramid and a tetrahedron).
A pair of scissors and glue.

Main part:
The pupils are given copies of the models. They cut out the models and paste together the edges. They put a piece of string in each polyhedron and hang them from the wooden stick. Then they study the structure of the polyhedra they have built in terms of faces, vertices and edges

The pupils really enjoyed this activity and the models they built are used to decorate the class.