Introduction Adjectives , have to , everyday English,
Unit 1 -ed and -ing adjectives, present tense contrast, subject and object questions
Unit 2 The urban landscape, extreme adjectives , past simple and past continuous, used to
Unit 3 The senses, words that are verbs and nouns , present perfect with already, just and yet
Unit 4 Relationships and dating, noun endings: -ion and -ment, present perfect with for and since, past simple with ago, past simple and present perfect
Unit 5 Jobs, suffixes:-er, -or, and -ist for people, not as... as, so and such,
Unit 6 collocations , verb plus noun, will: offers, promises and decisions, first conditional
Unit 7 Money, word families: nouns and adjectives, second conditional, past tense, should, reason and purpose
Unit 8 Adjective plus preposition, passive, relative clauses: who, which and where
Unit 9 Everyday English, to and either, collocations, Verb plus preposition, reported speech

Index - level 1 - level 2 - level 3