I like much the motorbikes and the bicycles, some day I going by moto or the bicycle and I am going to different towns. Also I like much the basketball since I practice it with the club Básquet Bescanó. And as it pleases me the basketball also I likes football when he was small I played how many years, now I don't play but I am hooligan "cule" of barça equal or like it was more of small, to the room I have everything of objects of barça and often seen with clothes articles that bring their shield.

Of music I listen Oi, ska, hardcore and some time metal or some other style of music but mainly Oi, between my favourite groups it has: Ultimo Asalto, Decibelios, Non Servium, Kaos urbano, Desperta Ferro, Opció k-95 and many more. The days of every day that we only have class in the morning in the afternoons I go to the "local" with the friends we played playstaion there we watched films or we listened to music. The days that we have classes until afternoon I arrive at house I make the homework and I go to training. And the weekends I stay the day with the friends and to the nights if there are concerts we go to concert and until the dawn I likes much to leave by the nights. Normally Saturday in the afternoon we have basketball match.