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Students' Page
Estefania Ruano



I'm very happy to do this project because you can meet

other people from other countries. It's very interesting
Now I want to
tell you somethings about me. I don't know if you have realized that
the distribution
of this page seems a butterfly.I had done like this because I love
this animal. I can a lot identify with it.



The butterflies are delicate, sensible and fragile. They inspire me many




things: love, peace and especially freedom.




I'm a romantic, cheerful and a very very optimist person. I'm a little bit timid but when I dance I don't have any embarrasment. I love dance. You can see me in this photo. I'm also very vain and I am many hours in the bathroom. My mother is always shouting me. I'm very slow. My slogan is " There's no hurry". I'm a calm person. I don't like that they hurry up me. I hate it. I know that sometimes I must go faster but not always. I'm very absent-minded. One day I went to the cinema with my boyfriend and when we went out I realized that I had left my purse on the seat. Another day I went to the river with my boyfriend and I couldn't walk on the stones because I wore sandals and I took them off. I thought that I had put them in the bag and we continued walking until to arrive in a place where we can jump into the water and swim. When we left I realized that I didn't have any sandal. I laugh(ed) a lot but when we didn't see them anywhere I worried because if the mother of my boyfreind saw me without sandals she would think things that didn't were. But I had luck and I found them on the stones. It was very funny.




I love my family. I have three brothers to ages: 30, 28 and 24. The older live in my house and he has a dauhgter but he is separeted. The other brother that is 28 is married and he has a daughter and my other brother lives with his girlfriend. I have a hamster and he is very fat but he is very beautiful.



Now I'm doing funky. I love it. I skated two years ago but I didn't have time for me because we coached many hours. Then I went to the gym and I liked it very much but I didn't have time, too. Funky is one day a week and it's good. You can see a photo where I am skating.