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Gemma González


Hello, I'm Gemma!!!!!!!!
I think that this project can be
a very good experience for us
but now I will tell you about me:

I love art, nature, cinema, theatre and poetry, the subjects that I like more are Art History, Philosophy and Design, I also like music like heavy, rock, classic, punk, blues…and I always go out with my friends to concerts, I dislike discotheques. I sing and I play the piano.

I don't know what I want to be in the future, I'm going to do something related to theatre or anthropology. But I'm not worried about it yet, because I think that we have to live the present.

I'm a romantic, friendly, cheerfully and very optimist person. I'm a direct person and I never feel embarrassed and I always try to value all the things of my live.

A thing that worries me is death, because last year I was very ill and I learnt to value life, the people and the things around me, and at the same time I learnt to value death.

However, I'm optimist and I have a strong character.



I live in a small flat with my parents, my brother and my rabbit, named Xurrispes, it is a funny and very big rabbit.

My best friend is Ari, she is a very friendly and beautiful person, I love her and she loves me because since we were children we always have been close friends and her mother and my mother are close friends too.