Què és l'English day? Com està organitzat Nessie, la mascota de l'ED 2002 Qui participa Vols veure el vídeo? Si vols baixar-te el CLIC, clica!


Where are you?


1. Start on your home, go straight on, turn right, go straight on, take the first turning on the left, and go straight on. It is in the corner. Where are you?

2. Start on the entry of the fish monger's. Turn right, go straight on, turn left, go straight on. You are in front of the market. Turn right and go straigh on. Turn right, go straight on, turn left, go straight on, and take the first turning on the left. You are in front of butcher's. Go straigh on, turn right and go straight on, Where are you?

3. Start on the entry of the supermarket. Turn left, go straight on, and take the first turning on the right. You're next to the square. Go straight on, turn right, go straight on and take the first turning on the left, go straight on. In this corner there is the dry cleaner. Turn right, go straight on, take the second turning on the left and go straight on. Where are you?

4. Start on the entry of the supermarket. Turn right, go straight on, turn left, go straight on and take the first turning on the right, go straight on and turn left. Where are you?

5. Start on the entry of your home. Go straight on, turn right, go straight on and take the first turning on the left. Go straight on, turn right, go straight on, and take the first turning on the left. Go straight on, take the second turning on the right. You are near the dry cleaner. Go straight on and take the first turning on the left. Go straight on, turn left and go straigh on. Where are you?

6. Start on the entry of your home. Go straight on, turn right, go straight on and take the first turning on the left, go straight on, turn right, go straight on and take the first turning on the left, go straight on and take the second turning on the right. You are next to the dry cleaner. Go straight on and turn right, walk over the bridge and go through the park. Follow the road, go straight on and turn right. Where are you?


Nom i cognoms No te n'oblidis!

Escola No te n'oblidis!

1. You are in front of...
2. You are in front of...
3. You are in front of...
4. You are in front of...
5. You are in front of...
6. You are in front of...