Què és l'English day? Com està organitzat Nessie, la mascota de l'ED 2002 Qui participa Vols veure el vídeo? Si vols baixar-te el CLIC, clica!


A helping hand

1. Every Saturday morning Facundo is in his bedroom. What does he do?

2. Every Saturday morning Anna is in the bathroom. What does she do?

3. Every Saturday morning Estela is in the living room. What does she do?

4. Every Saturday morning Gerard is in the kitchen. He has got vegetables and meat.
What does he do?

5. Every Saturday morning Elsa is in the dining room. What does she do?

6. Every Saturday morning Marc is outside his house. What does he do?

7. Every Saturday morning Iris is in the kitchen. What does she do?

What do they do?

Nom i cognoms No te n'oblidis!

Escola No te n'oblidis!

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