The firsts signs of settlement in the Arenys de Munt zone are from the Neolithic period. From this period, we have got hard cultural signs. In Vilanegre hill there is the Infern Dolmen from this period.

We do not have any explicit proof from the Iberian period. There are rests from this period in the Encantats Tower, inside the territory of Arenys de Munt in the past, but now in the territory of Arenys de Mar. Besides, we have some Iberian signs in some roman villages that show pre- roman influence.

During the roman period, our ground was very civilised by these powerful people. There are at least four briefed houses from this period: Can Catà de Dalt, Can Bellsolell de la Torre, Ca l’Aiguaviva and Can Jalpí. Moreover there are scattered ruins through all Arenys de Munt: the Via Augusta and a possible route through the Tres Turons.

After the bleeding experiences of the III and IV centuries the village entered in a decadence period, and from this period we do not have any remains.

The first written information about our village is from the IX century. This document was written on the 11th of September of 878, on the occasion of the Concili of Troyes. This document talks about the Sant Martí church, a church located in the Girona territory. The church was our church without any doubt, because there was no other church with the same name near Arenys de Munt.

The Arenys name is related to the "arenes" (sands) of the riera. The name Arenys is briefed from 998.

During the Middle Ages, our town did not grow up because this period was very unsafe. At the beginning, it belonged to the jurisdictional area of the MontPalau Castle (Pineda). Later, in the beginnings of the XIV century, was constituted the Sant Martí d’Arenys mayoralty, that includes the seaside neighbourhood of Santa Maria d’Arenys, too. Later, in 1575, this seaside neighbourhood was separated from Arenys de Munt, and its name was Arenys de Mar.

There was a big increase of population at the beginning of the XV century and especially during the XVI century. The current gothic church was built during this period, over the demolished Romanesque church from the XIII century.

The majority of the farmhouses that we preserve are from this period, with their gothic windows. Some of them were fortified with defence towers (Can Bellsolell de la Torre, Ca l’Amar de la Torre and Can Maiol de la Torre are the only ones that we preserve).

In the XVII century the wars and the epidemics caused a decrease in the population of the village, but in the XVIII century the village began to grow again. The district called the Eixample is from this period. Later, the village showed prosperity signs that probably were thanks to the vineyard and there were built a lot of new houses.

The most important building of the XX century is the new School Group, directed by the architect Enric Catà Catà. This postmodernist beautiful school was a village symbol and a model for new town-planing, that included the construction of a lot of streets and public areas.

At the moment, we are in a consolidation phase of Arenys de Munt. This consolidation phase has to redesign the town-planing, make it attractive, comfortable and modern to face with guarantees of efficiently the new century challenges.