The Islamic culture dominated the technology of the water thanks to the Iemenites and the Persian. They were farming people who were used to obtain the maximum performance of their hydraulic resources. They used some millennial techniques base on the qualification of the fountains and the growing through irrigation.

The Islamic conquered big areas of d'al-Andalus and they became very fertile lands for the growing. So,the big vegetable garden areas - Guadalquivir, Ebre or Valencià Country - they began an intensive explotation of their traditional resources.

The Islamic had many ways to use the water but the most common was based on  the realisation of wells in a row until arriving to the stone layer where water passed to controll  the pressure and the amount.


Cities as Madrid(Matrice, Mayrit,) served to exploit the great amount of water in the area.

 There were also other innovations as the sínias that were good to push the water,  the mills of flour that were used to make flour and much more.


The most important rivers that has an Arabic root are:

Guadalquivir and Guadiana,

Then small rivers or flowing as:

 Guadalentín, Guadalete, Guadalimar, among many others.


The root is "Wadil" that means RIVER in Arabic.

There are also towns and villages that have this root, they are:

Guadalajara, Guadalcázar, Guadalupe, among others.


There is another root “Al-hamma” that means BATH. We can find some towns:

Alhama of Murcia, Alhama of Aragon, Alhama of Almería, among others.


Here we are going to put you a map so you will know where some of these places are located:



Península Ibérica