Mystery in the Middle Ages. Building your Character

During the Middle Ages, the castle was the fortified residence of a Feudal Lord or the Monarch and members of his Court.

At that time, Europe was in an almost constant state of warfare and the main purpose of castles was to withstand attack and siege. So once the castle had been built, workers dug a deep ditch along the outside of the walls and filled it with water. This became the Castle Moat, which was another defence against attack but also a source of fish for the Nobles' table.

As well as protecting the King or Lord and their people, castles also served as a prison, as safe place for storing treasures, as arsenals for weapons and the machinery of warfare and as administrative centres for the surrounding area.

1. Write the names of the different parts of the castle below.





2. Describe the setting for your story:
  1. Imagine the land where your story could have taken place. Then draw and describe it.
  2. Design and draw a plan of the castle with its surroundings.
  3. Describe the inside of the castle. Each member of the group will have to describe one room.
To do so, we'll have a look at the CD-ROM Castle Explorer.