
Santillana Net Languages WebQuests

Getting To Know
An English-speaking Country


Plan, ask permission for, and report on a ten-day group excursion to an English-speaking country, taking into account such things as:

Bullet... purpose of trip - why are we going?
Bullet... interests of individuals in the group
Bullet... budget - how much will it cost?
Bullet... weather - what will the weather be like?
Bullet... current political situation - will it be safe?

To complete the WebQuest assignment you will need to present the following pieces of work:

  1. A letter (to parent or school), outlining your objectives, plans, budget and asking permission (individual)

  2. A class presentation or wall magazine/poster, showing your proposed itinerary and objectives (group)

  3. A postcard (individual)

  4. A self-evaluation (individual)

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