Immigration: Languages and cultures

You have learned about the different official languages that coexist in the European Union. But many countries in the EU have other indigenous languages, that is the case of Spain (Basque, Catalan, Galician), Ireland (Gaelic), Luxembourg (Luxemburguish), Belgium (Flemish) among others.

Let's focus on Spain now. Spain is a multilingual, multicultural country, not only because we have four indigenous languages, but also because we receive hundreds of immigrats from different countries that speak different languages and that bring their own cultural background with them. Immigration not only helps newcomers, it also enriches the host society. 

Migration is not something new in Spain. Due to its strategic situation, the Iberian Peninsula has traditionally been a centre of attraction for different peoples along our history. In the Ancient times, Phoenicians from the Middle East, Greeks from Eastern Mediterranean, Celts from Northern Europe, Carthaginians from Northern Africa, Romans from Southern Europe were some of our first visitors. The Middle Age started with the arrival of Visigothics from Eastern Europe, then came the Arabs from the Arab Peninsula and the Berbers from Northern Africa. In the Middle Ages, three cultures coexited in peace for quite a long time: Christians, Jews and Muslims.