Renewable energies:  Some Information...

What is alternative energy?
Energy generated from a natural source, such as wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tidal, hidro-power, biomass, landfield gass, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases. It is also called renewable energy.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), renewable energies are vastly superior to fossil fuels and nuclear power. According to the UCS, renewables "create more jobs and bolster local economies; they cause little or no air and water pollution; they protect customers from fluctuations in the price of fossil fuels; and they do not contribute to the buildup of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, which are changing the global climate."

The development of renewable energy - particularly energy from wind, water, solar power and biomass - is a central aim of the European Commission's energy policy. There are several reasons for this:

This information is based on information contained in the European Union web site, particularly in  Altener II Project and Official Journal of the European Communities.
If you want to find out more about  Biomass

Wind Energy

Solar Power

, click on the names

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