Computers in the English Class

Dear friend,
Let me explain a few things about this project.  It was developed for a group of 4th ESO students, but can be used by students of lower grades/forms.  The project has three general objectives: 
  • Introduce students to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). 
  • Help students develop respect towards other peoples, towards the environment and towards art expressions in the streets.
  • Use English as a communication language.
The project consists of four units, of different length:
  1. The introduction unit presents different computer tools.  It is thought to help students to use a word processor (Word), send and receive electronic mail,  and create web pages.  If students are computer illiterate, they'll probably need some help from the teacher. 
  2. The first unit is about Europe.  It starts with information about the European Union (EU), its oficial languages, its new common currency, to finish with information about immigration and immigrants, the new Europeans.
  3. The second unit is about the environment, and how people can contribute to preserve it.  It focuses on recycling, particularly everyday waste, and on the alternative energies.
  4. The third unit is about art works that we see in our cities or towns, particularly buildings and sculptures that form the urban landscape. It is presented as a walk around Barcelona.
Students need to perform different tasks, but they always need to create a web page at the end of each units, showing that they have acquired some knowledge and that they have a positive attitude towards the topic presented. Students don't need to have a very high level of English to do the project. It is easy to understand, and they can always use electronic dictionaries and web tranlators to facilitate their tasks.

I hope you find the project useful, that you like it. 

Click on the Units in the boxes to start!

Basic computer skills
Europe and Europeans
Caring for our planet
Art in the streets