/*Fitxer de solucions/comentaris de Güeb. Güeb és una aplicació dissenyada per en Pablo Sanz per a crear exercicis lingüístics en format HTML. Aquest fitxer ha estat creat automàticament. Data de creació: 30/10/02 Hora de creació: 18:23:58 */ var tope = 4; var solsLft = new Array(tope); var solsRgt = new Array(tope); var colsCount = 4; var colsSep = 10; var cols = new Array(colsCount); cols[0] = "Under the clouds and over the sky."; cols[1] = "Little black apples from Hurrican street."; cols[2] = "Vinegar and good red ink."; cols[3] = "Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap."; solsLft[0] = "Witch, witch, where do you fly?"; solsLft[1] = "Witch, witch, what do you eat?"; solsLft[2] = "Witch, witch, what do you drink?"; solsLft[3] = "Witch, witch, where do you sleep?"; solsRgt[0] = "Under the clouds and over the sky."; solsRgt[1] = "Little black apples from Hurrican street."; solsRgt[2] = "Vinegar and good red ink."; solsRgt[3] = "Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap.";