/*Fitxer de solucions/comentaris de Güeb. Güeb és una aplicació dissenyada per en Pablo Sanz per a crear exercicis lingüístics en format HTML. Aquest fitxer ha estat creat automàticament. Data de creació: 12/03/02 */ Sols = new Array(); azar = new Array(8); Sols[0] = "Little monster and the three people."; azar[0] = ""; Sols[1] = "One day little monster was playing with the ball in the medow."; azar[1] = ""; Sols[2] = "The ball went into a house and he went for it."; azar[2] = ""; Sols[3] = "He looked under the table and under the chair."; azar[3] = ""; Sols[4] = "He looked under the bed, but he couldn't find the ball."; azar[4] = ""; Sols[5] = "As he was in the bedroom the family came back."; azar[5] = ""; Sols[6] = "Someone's been playing with a ball."; azar[6] = ""; Sols[7] = "And there he is."; azar[7] = ""; Sols[8] = "Thank you for the ball. Bye!!!"; azar[8] = "";