/*Fitxer de solucions/comentaris de Güeb. Güeb és una aplicació dissenyada per en Pablo Sanz per a crear exercicis lingüístics en format HTML. Aquest fitxer ha estat creat automàticament. Data de creació: 12/03/02 Hora de creació: 22:06:25 */ var mTop = 150; var leftCol = 50; var rightCol = 500; var interLines = 40; var dosCols = 1; var tope = 7; var solsLft = new Array(tope); var solsRgt = new Array(tope); var fallos = 0; var arLeftClicked = new Array(tope); var arRightClicked = new Array(tope); var arSols = new Array(tope); var labelFallos = ""; var azarLft = new Array(tope); var azarRgt = new Array(tope); var colores = new Array(tope); var colorDefecto = "#FFFFFF"; var usedColor = 0; var colorErrors = "#FFFFFF"; var Random = 0; var marcarFallos = 1; azarLft[0] = ""; azarLft[1] = ""; azarLft[2] = ""; azarLft[3] = ""; azarLft[4] = ""; azarLft[5] = ""; azarLft[6] = ""; azarRgt[0] = ""; azarRgt[1] = ""; azarRgt[2] = ""; azarRgt[3] = ""; azarRgt[4] = ""; azarRgt[5] = ""; azarRgt[6] = ""; colores[0] = "#FF8080"; colores[1] = "#FFFF00"; colores[2] = "#00FF00"; colores[3] = "#008080"; colores[4] = "#0000FF"; colores[5] = "#00FFFF"; colores[6] = "#80800C"; for(var i = 0; i < arLeftClicked.length; i++) arLeftClicked[i] = 0; for(var i = 0; i < arRightClicked.length; i++) arRightClicked[i] = 0; solsLft[0] = "Get up, Little Monster. It's time for school."; solsLft[1] = "What will you have this morning, eggs or cereals with milk?"; solsLft[2] = "May I have cereals, please?"; solsLft[3] = "No, thanks. I don't feel good."; solsLft[4] = "OK, Kids. Here's toda's story."; solsLft[5] = "Yally, you have to water your plant."; solsLft[6] = "Marvellous"; solsRgt[0] = "Mum"; solsRgt[1] = "Dad"; solsRgt[2] = "Little Monster"; solsRgt[3] = "Yally"; solsRgt[4] = "The teacher"; solsRgt[5] = "Grendella"; solsRgt[6] = "The music teacher";