Earth's Twin

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. 
Venus and Earth are similar in size, composition, and mass. 
Its temperature during the day reaches 484 degrees Celsius.  It’s so hot it could melt lead cannonballs. 
The dense atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid, which acts as a greenhouse.
Venus is usually visible with the naked eye. Venus is sometimes called the "morning star" or the "evening star." It’s the brightest "star" in the sky. That’s the reason why the ancient people called it Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
Venus is the closest planet to Earth, but it does not have oceans or human life like Earth. 
The surface of Venus has many craters which were made by meteorites and asteroids crashing into the planet. 
Venus also has volcanoes. 
This planet is unusual because it rotates in a direction opposite that of all of the other planets. Venus spins very slowly as it orbits the Sun. A rotation takes 243 Earth days and its orbit takes 225 Earth days, so a Venusian day is longer than a Venusian year.
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