Fa molt de temps, vaig treballar per uns anys a Paymont Color de Barcelona fent fotografies per a catàlegs industrials, fotografia d’estudi per als afixos dels teatres del Paral·lel i molts diumenges realitzant els típics reportatges de casaments i comunions. Hi vaig aprendre molt aleshores. Odiava haver de pensar sempre què volia el client però el meu sou era si fa no fa proporcional a les fotos venudes. Varen ser temps molt durs, amunt i avall sempre entre la facultat i l’estudi, situat al número 1 del carrer Villarroel. I finalment vaig optar per la Química i vaig haver de plantar la fotografia com a mitjà de vida. Però aquells anys em van marcar moltíssim: des de llavors, m’agrada veure el món des del visor. I ara hi ha un important afegit: no cal que pensi a vendre’n cap.

A long time ago, I was working for several years in Paymont Color of Barcelona taking photos for industrial catalogues, for a variety theatre's posters of Barcelona and on many Sundays reporting marriages and other social events. I learnt a lot then. I always hated to have to think about what did the customer want, but my salary was nearly proportional to the sales. There was a hard time, ever going and coming back between the faculty and the studio, in 1 Villarroel Street. Finally, I chose the Chemistry and so I had to jilt the Photography as way of life. However, these years have marked me very much: since then, I have loved looking at the world through the viewer. Now there is an important appendage: I do not have to think haw many photos I will sale.