



Are you ready to start your search? Good! You have the links below, but before getting started, try to answer these questions individually. Don’t worry if you are not able to answer any of them. Keep your answers and when you finish your webzine with your classmates, check if you can answer the rest of the questions. Good luck!



Socio-cultural features

traditions (dances, traditional music, religion)                                       society characteristics (lifestyle,  food, clothes)                                                art productions (music, literature, films, etc.)


Geo-historical features

nature (geography and biology) history (geopolitics, industry and economy facts, historic events, political system)                                          cities (main cities, relevant monuments, etc.)



Common Sources:   Wikipedia     The World Factbook


Socio-cultural features

traditions dance youtube, Sant Patrick’s Day, stories,

society characteristics  food recipes, food Wikipedia, video,

art productions instruments, traditional music, songs, music of Ireland, youtube music, writers, music culture,


Geo-historical features

nature geography, landsacapes video, nature and scenery,

history quiz, the island history, timeline, atlas timeline,

cities google maps, discoverireland, video cities,  



Remember that section A and B separately have to prepare an activity to accompany the presentation of your Webzine. That means that the day of the presentation, the 6 of you will orally explain the parts of your blog, and then each section will offer an activity to the class.