Teacher Page Introduction


This web is based on a template from The WebQuest Page, by Bernie Dodge and it is part of the teacher training course Creació d’aplicacions a Internet: WebQuest organised by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Being the tutor Imma Fígols.

The idea of creating this WebQuest was, at the very beginning, the willing that my colleague Sira Melo and me had of inventing some sort of activity involving our students in gaining knowledge on English speaking countries.



1. Gain knowledge on four English speaking countries: South Africa, Ireland, India and Australia.

2. Work collaboratively.

3. Understand the importance of English as a means to communicate and access new information.

4. Produce a webzine (blog) with text, images and videos.

5. Develop the student’s creativity.

6. Present the findings orally.

7. Create an activity based on the information gathered.

8. Develop the student’s reading and summarising skills.




Communicative Dimension

a. Identification of the main ideas of texts.

b. Summarise the main information from texts.

c. Oral presentation of the findings.

d. Use of Internet as a source of information.


Plurilingual and Intercultural Dimension.

a. Social, geographical, historical and institutional points of reference that are present or implicit in work mediums and documents, specially in those that allow to understand the main aspects of the present world.

b. Awareness of the fact that languages are elements that define the personal and collective identity and the learning of new languages are an open door to the comprehension of the world and other people.


Key Competences

Actually, all the key competences, except for the mathematic one, are dealt with throughout the project. The following section relates the more obvious competences to the webzine.

 This WebQuest helps the student develop their ICT skills while using the net to search for information, creating the blog and managing to insert images and videos.

It also deals with the cultural and artistic competences because working on these four countries the students will be more aware of the cultural diversity of the world they live in.

No doubt the communicative and audiovisual competences are also present in the creation and presentation of the Webzine as students have to analyse many types of texts.

The learning to learn competence is basic as the students show they can organise themselves according to their capabilities and share what they have learnt and finally, the autonomous competence is the engine of the students who will, at the end, realise that they were able to work collaboratively and solve the problems they found to complete the task.



It was carried out in class (5 sessions to guide them through the project and 3 for the oral presentations and activities) and as part of their homework.



The scaffolds follow the same pattern for the different countries. However, there are slight changes depending on the specific characteristics of each country.



Both, teacher and students, are evaluating the different projects. Each group has to agree on a mark to give to their classmates for every blog, oral presentation and activity. There will be 1 blog, 1 oral presentation and 2 activities (one for section A and another for B) per group.

The students have also the opportunity to think about their individual progress and participation within their group with the individual evaluation rubric.


Notes on student’s previous knowledge

Students might need some hints on how to use a blog, although the site is very simple and it includes a basic and guided tutorial.



A Projector.