• First of all, you should revise what electricityis and how it works.
  • Secondly, do the following activities to be aware of the importance of electricity in our lives: activity 1, activity 2.
  • Thirdly, it's time to learn a little bit about circuit. And to test if you have understand it.
  • Fourthly, you are going to learn the symbols used when drawing an electrical circuit. And how to build it. Now test yourself. Here you've got some more information.
  • Finally, before making your own circuit, here you have a page where to practice. There are games that you can play in pairs or even in groups of three.
  • Now is time for you to make your circuits:
    • Split up in groups of three.
    • Decide what kind of circuit you are going to do.
    • Draw a sketch of your circuit using the symbols that you have learnt.
    • Collect the materials that you will need.
    • Make your circuit.