Lesson Plan 9

Warm Up

We look up in our corner some pictures about the Vicens House designed by Antoni Gaudí and the School of Art by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We pay attention to the differences between their tiles and we write them on the blackboard.

We point the children out that the Vicens House’s tiles have a decorative function while the ones in the School of Art are useful to help guide students and staff around the building.


Vicens House

We focus on the inspiration in nature of modernists artists. We explain to our pupils that we are going to decorate the corridor with our own tiles and that we have to inspire ourselves in nature.

- Every child has to think of a subject related to nature.

- They say the subjects they have thought and we write them on the blackboard.

- We read all the subjects and we elect one all together.

- After that we choose a colour that fits with this subject.


Every pupil has to draw a tile with a pattern inspired in this subject. We ask them to make a square using A3 size paper and then they have to draw their picture on it.