No és Jodie Foster la típica actriu, nord-americana o no. Els trets que la caracteritzen són el de la intel·ligència i el de la força, no tan sols a nivell professional com a actriu —una actriu que no escull a l’atzar els papers que vol interpretar—, directora i productora; sinó també per la seva actitud, envers de la seva realitat com a dona, com a ciutadana, com a persona...

Books have always been my escape—where I go to bury my nose, hone my senses, or play the emotional tourist in a world of my own choosing. I'm a "head first" person, really. Words are my best expressive tool, my favourite shield, my point of entry. One of my first memories? Hunching in the car with Chariots of the Gods, waiting for my mother to drive me to school …

… If I could choose my favourite day, my favourite moment in some perfect dreamscape, I know exactly where I would be: stretched out in bed in the afternoon, knowing that the kids are taking a nap and I've got two more chapters left of some heartbreaking novel, the kind that messes you up for a week."


Nena actriu, va començar a treballar als tres anys, li arriba la popularitat als dotze gracies a la seva interpretació en Taxi Driver; popularitat que no impedirà que es llicencií “Cum Laude” en literatura comparada a la Universitat de Yale. Amb el Silenci dels Anyells arriba a la seva consagració definitiva com actriu en el cel estelat del marketing cinematogràfic americà i occidental.



I’m afflicted with tragic honesty these days

The PREMIERE Interview By Sean Smith, Setember 2005

“I have no problem calling myself a feminist with a capital F. And yes, I am attracted to strong women, I've played different kinds of strong women, I've played dumb blondes, I've played a straight-laced straight arrows, I've played wild women, yet they're all strong. Sometimes I feel like that's my Achilles heel as an actor; I don't really know how to play a weak character. I think if I played a weak character I don't think you'd believe me. But it's not something we're lacking on screen…”

Cinema Confidential 03-22-2006

"I think of myself as phenomenally open," she says.

"My children would say that, the people who know me would say that, the people who see me in the park would say that. Because when you have kids, you have to be open. Otherwise, what kind of message would that send? You can make a choice that brings them dignity or you can make a choice that's some hiding, shameful thing. I always choose dignity."

While many scoff at her definition of "open," Foster clearly has no intention of feeding a media machine that subsists on celebrity confessionals. If her deliberately worded response is not enough to quell the curiosity, she is content to let her audience stew.

"I live a tremendously open life," she repeats for emphasis. "However, I don't feel the need to exploit via the media my personal life. I don't want to bring them into my circus. For what? To promote a movie? That would be strange."


[ Karen Breslau | | 2006 October ]

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