"Travelling around"





  • Create a WWW site.
  • Work collaboratively as a class to develop and create the web page.


  • Transfer the information from the word processor to a WWW editor.
  • Link all the documents to create a single web site.

Create and design a WWW site.

This time you will create a WWW site with the documents you created in the previous task. The WWW site will be a guide about Catalonia or Spain.  
  • Instructions
  1. Open Composer (if you use Netscape 4.0) or another WWW editor.
  2. Copy the document from the word processor and paste it to the editor. 
  3. Make sure you use the same font and size than your classmates.
  4. Save your document. Give it an understandable name (for instance, if you worked on sightseeing, name your file "sightseeing").
  5. Transfer all the files to the same computer (or to all computers).
  6. Unify the different files under the same directory. Name it "guide". 
  7. Your teacher or one of you will create the front page. It will contain the list of headings you have been working on.
  8. Create a link for each of these headings to each document.
  9. Try if the links work.
  10. Congratulations! You have created a WWW site!.
  11. If you have time, you can add personal information to this site (photographs, descriptions...).
  12. Ask your teacher to publish it.
      task 4                                list of aims