CD-ROM task1           

    • topic: Native American stories about animals
    • level: 2on cycle ESO
    • material: CD-Rom Dangerous Creatures
    • aims:
      • To learn how to look for different information in “Dangerous Creatures”
      • To learn more about animals in North America.
      • To practise reading, listening and writing in English.

    TASK 1 Dangerous creatures tells you anything you want to know about dangerous animals: where they hide, where their live, where they come from, what they eat, how big they are, etc. You will learn a lot about animals, especially about wild animals.
    1. Open Dangerous Creatures
    2. Click on Atlas and then on North America
    3. Click on Wolf
    4. Click on  facts or any other “link” and read, listen, watch or do to find the desired information.
    5. Answer the quiz (task 1) (edit this page to write the written answers; then save changes

    1. Write five adjectives which describe a wolf
    2. What does the word “pray” mean?
    3. Do healthy wolves kill humans?
    4. Do humans kill wolves? Why?
    5. Apart from North America, where else do wolves live?
    6. What do wolves prefer eating?
    7. Why do wolves howl?
    8. What do “wild pups” mean? How old are they when are they ready to live on their own?
    9. Watch the animation “making tracks” and say why toenail marks are always seen in wolf prints.
    10. Click on the arrow on the top right corner and recognise the tracks of other wild animals.
    TASK 2 Apart from the wolf many other animals can be found in North America: the cougar, the jaguar, raps, vultures, the polar bear and so on. There are many stories about these animals, and some of these stories come from the descendants of the “First Americans”. Listen to some of these stories.
    1. Click on guides, from the menu at the bottom
    2. Click on Native American stories
    3. Listen to what Safara - President of the International Association for Storytelling- tells about animals (Click on Safara’s little picture on the top right corner)
    4. Stop when you get to the polar bear
    Read and listen
    to find this
    1. Where do polar bears live in the winter?
    2. Where do polar bears live in the summer? 
    3. How do polar bears protect themselves?
    4. Find out how big a polar bear and other wild animals can be.
    5. Choose an image of a polar bear and copy it in this document (edit page and save changes)
    TASK 3 In “Dangerous Creatures” animals are also classified according to their “weapons” (jaws, venom and claws) and according to their “habitat” (forest, ocean, arctic, grassland, desert, wetland). 
    1. Go round the CD
    2. Choose 5 animals from the North America area 
    3. Complete the following chart (edit page and save changes)


 Site created by Dolors Permanyer i Lloveras (IES Manolo Hugué, Caldes de Montbui) 12/2/01