These are some of the things our pupils said by our pupils participating in the project about philosophy, art and esthetics:
"I like philosophical Equiry because we get lots of different opinions on lots of different subjects. I think this project is really fun and I like to let people from other countries to know how we live. It was fun making the box for Pau Vila and listening to all the ideas we had for what to put in it, and I am looking forward to sending the other boxes.
I think having philosophical Enquiry after school next year is a very good idea specially for people going to high school. I also think it will be much better with more people going so you will get a wider view on what people think.
I hope this project works because I'm sure other people would like to know how the rest of the world lives and thinks". (Girl, 11 years. Langbank school, Scotland)
  "Per giudicare se mi piace devo
(Iloria. 11 anni)

"An artista puó transformare la realtá"
(Davide. )

"Non sempre ció che é bello "fuori" è bello anche "dentro"
(Eugenio. Scuola Giovanni Pascoli. Rovigo)


On the 16th April the pupils of P.5 from the Belgian school of Mons visited the "Exposition du Bon Vouloir", where regional artists exhibited their work done with boxes: "Les boîtes á croyance". On returning to school the children made a representation of their own desires, belifs and their own reality, also using boxes:

"Dans une boîte maman, j'ai mis tout mon moi. C'est mon histoire à moi pour toi. Un peu de tissus, quelques clous, et du bois, pour toi savoir mon histoire..."


"Cada llum, cada color em fa sentir una cosa diferent".

"M'agraden els colors vermells i grocs per què em fan sentir més alegre".

"Les escultures són més divertides per què les pots tocar i mirar des de diferents angles".

"M'he adonat que cada nen de la classe veu els quadres de diferent manera i fa preguntes molt diferent de les meves".
(Pupils of 6th course of Primary. School Pau Vila)

And you, what do you say about philosophy, art and esthetics? If you want to send your thoughts, click here. Don't forget to write your name and age and also the name of the school where you are sending your meessage.