Giovanni Pascoli school is situated about 80 Km. from Venice in the town of Rovigo. This school is just beginning to introduce the philosophy programme of Philosophy for Children, at the hands of Marina Santi, the coordinator of the project in the school, who also is the director of CIREP: "Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerca Educativa sul Pensiero" in Rovigo. Giovanni Pascoli is part of a set of schools and has got a close relation with the Liceo Socio-Psico-Pedagogico, a high school in Rovigo wich helps in the studies of validation, testing and controlling the results of the project.
Type of school: Public school for Primary education
Pupils: 515
Teachers: 51
Pupils per class: 20
Handicaped pupils: 9
Language used: Italian
Other languages studied: English

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