‘Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love..
Albert Einstein

What do you know about St. Valentine's Day?

• When is it celebrated?
• It's the patron saint of ……..
• Do you know its origins?

Now you will read a VALENTINE'S STORY but you will have to complete the text with some words. Ready ?

Click VALENTINE'S STORY to begin.

(text taken from

If you want to know a bit more about this festival and its traditions, you can click HERE



In Catalonia, apart from St. Valentine's Day, we also celebrate another similar festival. It's SANT JORDI Do you know what day it is held? What are its origins? What do lovers exchange on this day?

Write a short essay explaining how you usually celebrate SANT JORDI. You will have to use the word processor and hand in the project to your teacher. If you want, you can also add pictures, photographs, …to illustrate the festivity.