This web site contains ICT tools which can be used by students of 3rd and 4th levels of ESO to learn Physics and Chemistry .

All the exercises were prepared by 4th ESO pupils from the IES Sòl-de-Riu Alcanar (Tarragona) during the course 2007/08.

The work is presented in English, therefore you can practise it at the same time you learn Science.

Enjoy it!









If you want to meet the students who have worked in this project, please click below ...

Go to the personal web sites



(3rd & 4th ESO)






If you want to contact with the teacher in charge, please send him and e-mail.

Florenci Sales Vilalta

Science Department

IES Sòl-de-Riu

Alcanar (Tarragona)


Creative Commons License
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