Is there a better way of teaching a foreign language than by encouraging students to express their most intimate feelings, their own opinion about something they think is important and then debate it with their classmates ?

Daring reporters is meant to be an on-line magazine which shows the reflections of our students on everyday topics which may arise great interest on any adolescent, such a food disorders, racism, drugs, sexuality, ...

On-line? To reach friends from other schools, other countries, other cultures... and thus, share different points of view.

With the whole activity, students acquire clear thinking, a better expression of ideas, respect and tolerance towards others' opinions, ... and, above all, they benefit from the fact they share all these ideas with others, facing the responsibility of having to write what they think...




We are young but eager to learn!!!! Now, we are studying to develop into better human beings and , in our English classes, we thought we should get involved into what was going on around us . We felt we need to know about the world, understand the events that are taking place as to understand our history.

This is the reason why we decided to become journalists: each day, in each English class, one of us prepared a report on any piece of news or article of opinion; then we created a website and then we had an oral presentation to the rest of the class. Debate would follow most of the times, depending on the issue, …or our mood.

But then we realised we had plenty of opinions on different topics, valuable contributions to our cultural growth.



Then, we decided to gather all this into a virtual magazine, the magazine of our mind, a magazine which speaks our thoughts!!!!


We divided all the information into 5 different sections :



In this section you can find a description of our high school, the description of some of our teachers, interviews to some of them, our first day in this high school …

It isn't finished yet… as you may have imagined…as our school is alive and kicking !!!


A collections of all our articles as presented in class. Our opinion on hot topics such as Mercy Killing, Food disorders, War, Bullying, God, … Our opinion on topics we are interested in… We, teenagers , belong to this world, we are part of it, we are aware of what it is going on, we see it… and we want to help to make it better !!!! Just an opinion… but at least it helps us to create a debate and share our thoughts !!


Some articles on books, our opinions, our summaries, our suggestions… But also some guidelines for us to read some interesting books.

We have also included our works on the books we have read in English this year : Othello and Frankenstein.


A collections of our works after watching some films : Elizabeth , Shakespeare in love, Matrix, Akira, Natural Born Killers and Moulin Rouge


The funniest section with a collections of cartoons created with Flash, our Freaky Planet, caricatures of the teachers… and some more. You want a laugh??

Don't miss this section!!!


This is the result of our work since last year …our hard work… a work which involves being involved with our world. We wanted to share it with the rest of the world by creating an e-zine.

To do so, we needed to distribute tasks:

    1. Some of us would be the editors and design the final layout of the e-gazine
    2. Others would “improve” the websites created by the students beforehand
    3. Others would draw pictures which could illustrate each section
    4. Others , some experts on Flash, would create the e-zine, directed by Jordi Jordan- our ICT teacher- , of course!!

And that's it!! We have been working hard … we are still working hard and we will go on working hard … because it is our e-zine… But we feel we should thank Pablo Noguera, for designing such wonderful drawings specially for our magazine. To him …our most sincere gratitude.

To you… Just be kind if you find mistakes…here and there… as we promise to learn and improve … and learn more… and improve more…

We are Daring Reporters, don't you remember ????

Nothing can stop us !!!!



Daring Reporters. The Project. Orator 2005. by Anna Aznar & Jordi Jordan