Environmental awareless
Separation of waste materials and recycling:
Do you throw all your rubbish into the same container?
Yes No
Which containers do you use at home?
Paper Organic waste Glass Plastic Batteries
Where do you dispose of the cooking oil after frying up?
For your personal hygiene, do you use the shower or the bathroom?

Always the shower Sometimes the bathroom

Always the bathroom

Electrictricy consumption:
Do you use low consumption bulbs?
Yes Sometimes No
Do you turn the light off when you go out of a room?
Yes Sometimes No
Do you prefer to turn on the heating and take your clothes off or the opposite?
How often do you use air conditioning?

Never Often during the summer

Nearly all the summer

Do you leave the lights on in the bedrooms when there isn't anybody in them?
Yes No Sometimes
Attitude towards the shopping:
Would you be willing to pay more for a low-consumption bulb?
Yes No
Would you be willing to pay more to buy an ecological car?
Yes No
Do you pay attention to choose lead-free fuel or not to use much fuel?
Yes, it's a very important aspect No, I don't mind it
Yes, but it's only another factor
Are you careful not to buy products containing CFC?
Yes, depending on the product No
Do you buy recycled paper even though it's expensive?
Never Sometimes Always



Environmental survey

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