Soweto is the name of a homeland in the outskirts of Johannesburg.The Apartheid regime called "homelands" the ghettos or restricted areas where the black population was forced to live. They could not choose where to live but were forced to live where the authorities told them.They needed a pass to enter the city to work.These homelands, like Soweto, had no electricy, sewage or paved streets. "Houses" were shacks made of pieces of wood and tin. Crime was high, but it was also the place where the first uprisings and protests against Apartheid began.

1. Look up information on Soweto and then answer these questionsquestions

Find pictures of Soweto and copy them on a Word document, together with your answer to the questions above


2. The picture above was taken just after the police shot and killed a young student, Hector Peterson in the Soweto uprisings. Find out all you can about Hector Peterson and the Soweto Uprisings.
