START your report. KEY



1. Which are the 5 W’s and the H? Why are they so important when you write your report?

What, who, where, when, why and how.

Because a good report answers all the questions. All the information is included

2. Wh-questions are also known as ……………….. ………….. Why?

Open questions.

Because the answer you get is never yes or no. It gives you more information about what you want to know.

3. What is the difference between Fact and Opinion? Will you include both in your report? Why?

Fact: a sentence which is true. There is clear evidence.

Opinion: a sentence where you express somebody’s opinion or view.

4. Where do you normally get the facts? And the opinions?

You normally get the facts from your research.

You normally get the opinions from interviews. Remember to add the name of the person who says something

5. What is Huw’s recommendation about background effects?

We can make our own sound effects or choose them from authorized websites.