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  Orator Prize
Paula Ortega Madarieta

In the school year 2006-2007, our school, Juan Ramón Jiménez, presented Paula Ortega Madarieta to the "VII Concurs d'Oratòria en llengües estrangeres" from the 6th level. She won the first prize of Catalonia in the Primary Education category with the English language. This was her speech:

Hello, my name is Paula Ortega. I’m 12 years old. I go to Juan Ramón Jiménez School in Martorell.
This year the 6th level participates in a European project called eTwinning. We work with a school from Poland. We send e-mails and we exchange information about our countries.
In one of these activities I wrote about our town’s legend: “Devil’s bridge”.
The main characters are: the old woman, the devil and the cat.
The old lady wants water next to the river but she always had to cross the river and she had to get wet her feet. She always wanted a bridge. Suddenly the Devil proposed her a deal.
So, the devil built a bridge for her and the first person or animal to cross the bridge would dead. The Devil lasted one night to build the bridge.
The next day, the old woman took a cat in her basket and it crossed the bridge first. Because of that, the devil had to get the soul of the cat in the hell and the old woman was very happy for the new bridge.

We still have this bridge in Martorell but it was built by the Romans.

Congratulations Paula!

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