Scene 1

Narrator: A Brown dog is crying:

Dog: I'm very sad. Boo-hoo...!

Nobody loves me!

Where can I go ?

What can I do?

Narrator: It looks around and sees a sign: "Kilometres to Bremen, the music festival town: nine"

Dog: So, I'm going to be a musician!


Scene 2

Narrator: Near a big mountain it sees a cat. The cat is black and very fat!

Dog: Hello! What's the matter?

Cat: I'm very sad. Boo-hoo...!

Nobody loves me!

Dog: I'm going to Bremen. I'm going to be a musician.

Cat: Can I go with you?

Dog: Of course, you can. Come with me!

Scene 3

Narrator: They see a big ass, near a very nice river.

Dog and Cat: Hello! What's the matter?

Ass: I'm very sad. Boo-hoo...! Nobody loves me! 

Dog and Cat: We're going to Bremen. We're going to be musicians. 

Ass: Can I go with you? 

Dog and Cat: Of course, you can. Come with us! 


Scene 4

  Narrator: They walk and walk and suddenly they see an old cock up in a tree.

Dog, Cat and Ass: Hello! What's the matter?

Cock: I'm very sad. Boo-hoo...!

Nobody loves me!

Dog, Cat and Ass: We're going to Bremen. We're going to be musicians.

Cock: Can I go with you?

Dog, Cat and Ass: Of course, you can. Come with us!

Scene 5

Narrator: A Few kilometres later. They see a very big house full of thieves.

Dog: Look, over there! What a beautiful house!

Cat: Let's go!

Ass: Let's go and see!

Cock: Let's go, see and stay in!

Narrator: They are so happy that they begin to play music.

The noise frightens the thieves. They run away, and get lost.

And our four friends live happily for ever.