language in the audiovisual media

We can see that most people listen to the radio in English (79.2%). It's less people who listen to it in both languages (Welsh and English) (15.6%). And hardly anybody listen to it in Welsh (5,2%). This is because there isn't a lot of people who speaks or understand Welsh and there aren't a lot of stations in Welsh, so perhaps the stations that are in Welsh don't have as good programs as the English one and then the listeners prefer listening to the radio in English.

As we have seen in the radio most people watch TV in English (82.8%), less people watch TV in both languages (13.5%) and hardly anybody, less people than the radio, watch TV in Welsh (3,7%). Like in the radio it is possibly because there’s only one channel in Welsh, there isn’t as many choice of channels as in English and everybody understands it.
In the cinema we can see more the influence of English over Welsh. A (97.7%) of the people who were surveyed watch the films of the cinema in English. A (1,9%) watch to it in Welsh and only the (0,4%) watch the films in both languages. These results might be like this because there are few films which are in Welsh and there are very few people who knows that.As we can see, English is most popular than Welsh here.

influence on the choice

When people have to choose a station of radio, most of them are influenced by the topic (55, 1 %). Less people are influenced by the language (20, 3 %) and the (18, 6 %) of them are influenced by other things like the broadcasting timetable or the treatment of information. This reason might be like this because the people prefer listening to the things they like or are interested in. In the radio we can see that the language isn’t the most important thing for them.

As we have seen in the radio, when people watch TV they are influenced by the topic (63, 6 %). In this case, we can see that there’s the same percentage of people who, when they want to watch TV, are influenced by the language (18, 2 %) or other things like the broadcasting timetable or the treatment of information (18, 2 %). That’s because people want to be entertained when they watch TV and, they want to watch something that they are interested in.
Regarding to the cinema, like in radio and TV, the most important thing is the topic (66, 3%), less people worry about other things like the cast (18, 3%) and a 15, 4% worry about the language. Like in the other mass media, most people worry about the topic, but we can see that people worry more about the cast than the language.
It is because almost all the films are in English and the films aren’t translated in to Welsh because everybody knows English and it isn’t profitable.


In this part of the survey we have asked to the people if they  listened to or watched radio, TV, or cinema more often if it was in Welsh. In the case of the radio a 83.2% answered that they wouldn’t listen more radio than no if it was in Welsh, and a 16.8% answered that they would listen more radio if it was in Welsh. In TV  there are less people than in the radio that would watch more TV than now if it was in Welsh, it is only a 7.2% under remaining 92.8% would watch the same TV as now.
In the cinema there are more people than in the radio or TV that worry about the availability of the languages of the films (31%) and a 69% don’t worry about it.
The people don’t worry a lot about the availability because all of them know English.
The institutions of Wales don’t worry a lot about the fact that the Welsh in the decreasing. We can see that there are only one channel in Welsh,  there are very few films in Welsh and there aren’t a lot of stations in Welsh and if they would like to keep Welsh they would put more channels, stations and films in Welsh.

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