Content and Language Integrated Learning
The resource bank for CLIL teachers from MacMillan Education
CIREL, Centre de Suport a la Innovació i Recerca en Llengües
Clic on Enllaços or Materials
CLIL by Isabel Pérez
Some theory and a resource bank
APAC's classroom resources
FACT, The Forum for Across the Curriculum Teaching

Lesson plans for all subjects
Timesavers for teachers
Classroom forms, report card comments, practical teacher tools, worksheets and downloadable teaching materials
Learning page
A huge collection of professionally produced instructional materials you can download and print
Teaching Ideas
Free lesson ideas, activities and resources
Sites for teachers
Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Activities, Clip Art
Enchanted Learning
Some sample printable pages (the rest need a paid subscription)
Teacher Vision
Classroom-ready lesson plans, printables, and resources
Discovery School
Lesson plans for elementary, middle and high school students
Animated curriculum-based content
Education World
Free resources for educators