1. Go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/english/revision_bites/letters1.shtml

2. Click on Activity. Read the interactive explanation and answer the questions.

3. Click on Revision bite. Complete the instructions for writing a formal letter.


When you write a formal letter...

Put your address at the ______________

Write the ___________ underneath

Writing to someone unfamiliar whose name you know?
Begin Dear Mr/Ms (and the person's name), end with Yours __________.

Writing to someone whose name you don't know?
Begin Dear __________, or Dear __________, and finish with Yours __________, or Yours truly,

Iin the first paragraph, say ______________________.

Go into _____________ in the middle paragraphs - list the points you want to make.

Round off at the end - perhaps by returning to the ______________.

Finish by ___________________________ before your signature, eg. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Write your name at the ___________, after the signature.


4. Do the Quiz. Score ________

5. Go to http://readwritethink.org/materials/letter_generator/

6. Follow the instructions to write a formal letter. This is the situation:

You bought a DVD in the USA, and although you ordered the right system, they sent the American format. Now you can't watch it. Complain about it and ask for a replacement.

7. Print your letter and hand it to your teacher.

Núria Brichs