1. Type this address in Mozilla Firefox: www.thesimpsons.com
2. Click on CHARACTERS.
3. Find the folders for the following characters and answer the questions.


o What grade is he at school?
o What are his hobbies?

o They say he's an "underachiever". What does that mean?


True or False?

o Lisa has inherited her father's common sense.
o Her parents are proud to talk to her teachers.
o She doesn't eat meat.
o She loves to watch dramatizations of British novels on TV.
o When "The MacNeil-Lehrer Report" is on TV, she doesn't mind missing the "Itchy & Scratchy" cartoons.


o What are Homer's faults, according to Marge?

o Where does he work and what is his position?
o Does he mind being bald?


o Say three jobs Marge has had in the past.

o How often does she do her hair?

C. M. Burns

True or false?

o He just wants to be richer and more powerful.
o He's concerned about the destruction of the environment.
o He offered his employees a dental plan.
o He dressed up as a hippy and sank a Greenpeace boat.
o He's impressed with Homer's work.

Clancy Wiggum

Click on the cassette player and fill in the blanks.

Hello and ____________ to the Springfield Police Department rescue ____________. If you know the name of the felony ____________ committed, press one. To ____________ from a list of felonies, ____________ two. If you are being ____________ or are __________ from a rotary phone, please ____________ on the line.


Who said that?
What does it mean?

I can't promise I'll try. But I'll try to try.


You thought I couldn't, but I could, I did and I could do it again.


One dollar for eternal happiness? I'd be happier with the dollar.


You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is never to try.


Núria Brichs