Saint Valentine's Day

  • Open the browser Navegador Communicator
  • Type in the direction bar and enter
  • Click on Valentine's Day tour. From here on you are going to answer some questions. Read carefully to decide where the answer is. Each group of questions can be answered at one web site. Enjoy yourself!

1. What are the ingredients for the Queen of Hearts' Tart?
In what famous novel can you read about the Queen of Hearts?


2. What does a red rose symbolize?
What colour rose do you need to say 'Thank you'?
What colour rose symbolizes a happy love?


3. How do you say 'I love you' in ...


What do all these languages have in common?


4. Who was Saint Valentine?
How many Saint Valentines are there?
Where did Valentine live?
Who declared February 14th 'Valentine's Day'? When was that?
When did Valentine's Day begin in Great Britain?
When did people start sending Valentine Day's Greetings?
Who was Cupid in Greek mythology?
How many Valentine cards are sent each year?

(follow the Next page link to find all the answers)

5. How is Saint Valentine's Day celebrated in Britain?
How do people in Italy celebrate this day?
What is the tradition in Scotland?
What do people do in Spain?


6. Find a place to give a virtual kiss.

Núria Brichs