SNORING Watch here

A serious side of snoring

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If you've ever slept next to someone who sounds like this..... you probably consider snoring just a noisy but new research out tonight says it can actually be a .

Snoring is one of the main signs of sleep apnea: when people stop in the middle of the night. For the first time this new study makes a connection. "It's given us probably the best evidence that we have that sleep apnea is a likely cause of ".

People suffering from sleep apnea, and there are millions, can stop breathing during sleep anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute and a half. A person during the day becomes a time bomb at night. Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80 but a patient with sleep apnea can be of 50% of their oxygen, doubling blood pressure to a 220 ever 140.

A visit to New York University Sleep Disorders Clinic showed Raymond often stopped breathing during sleep. "Was that a thing to realize? That was definitely ." Sleep expert Ana Krieger says he's lucky he came in. She believes the between apnea and stroke is just the of the iceberg. "This is definitely a new area and many of the cardiologists are very about patients that have potential sleep apnea".

With heart disease our killer, Krieger says doctors are looking more closely at sleep's in cardiac health. So one of the quesions a doctor will ask is "How are you sleeping?" "Absolutely".

There's still a lot of to be done in this area and one of the big questions doctors will now is: Can preventing sleep apnea actually prevent heart attack?
"How do you ever know if you've got it?" "Well, it is underdiagnosed but one of the main reasons is: asking your or the person you share your bed with. And that's how most people know they have it.