CyberListening Lab
What is The OWL Project?
Open windows, listen and learn

This is a compilation of interactive listening comprehension activities with videos designed for the different EOI levels:

2nd level = Pre-Intermediate = A2/A1
3rd level = Intermediate = A2/B1
4th level = Upper-Intermediate = B1
5th level = Advanced = B2/C1

The source for the listening comprehension activities are short video clips from the BBC, CNN and CBS web pages. A special license called Real Superpass Europe, by Real Networks, has been purchased so as to be able to record video clips from the internet. The duration of the clips, between 1:30 and 5 minutes, makes it possible for students to concentrate better than with longer recordings. Real Player 10 is required to view the videos.

The listening comprehension activities have been designed with Hot Potatoes. There are six types of exercises that have been included in all the different levels:

multiple choice gap-filling
True / False matching (drag and drop)
crosswords question and answer

Instructions are given in each exercise and feedback is also provided, as well as hints and clues to help students if necessary. This kind of activities may appear at the EOI official examinations (Certificat Elemental and Certificat d'Aptitud), so this CyberListening Lab may be a good way to practise with a view to taking those exams. However, the OWL Project intends to be useful for ALL students of English and their teachers.

One great advantage of this format is that students may stop the recording whenever necessary and rewind as many times as they need to.This kind of Computer Assisted Language Learning will contribute to the students' autonomy from their teacher. Also, each student will follow his or her own pace, which will mean a more productive activity.

The TOPICS chosen for the recordings are varied. The clips are either news or reports or interviews but they all have in common that the topics have been selected according to their universal interest. That is, students of different ages, backgrounds or countries should find something interesting. Also, the news must be of interest in the long run too. Much too precise or contextualized references have been avoided because the latest news today might not be of any use in a few months. Some of the topics of the videos are: health, humour, relationships, family, jobs, education, holidays, money, hopes, food, etc.

The OBJECTIVE of the OWL Project is that students LEARN. The computer is very good help to do listening comprehension activities that might otherwise be a little boring. Also, EOI teachers will find ready-made materials for the computer lab. Such materials may be used as part of a class, to complement what is being done during the course, they may be set as homework, or they may be suggested for further practice. I hope everybody will find something of interest.


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