Exercise 1: some / any (choose)

Exercise 2: some / any (write)

Exercise 3: some / any (write)

Exercise 4: some / any (write)

Exercise 5: some / any (write)

Exercise 6: any / a / some /one (choose)

Exercise 7: how much / how many 1 (write)

Exercise 8: how much / how many 2 (write)

Exercise 9: how much / how many (choose)

Exercise 10: uncountable nouns (wordsearch )


Exercise 1

Presentation of vocabulary (rooms)

Video presentation of vocabulary (rooms)

Exercise 1: click the letter in the correct order

Exercise 2: hangman

Exercise 3: spelling game

Exercise 4: word drop game (unscramble)

Exercise 5: The Every Other Letter game

Exercise 6: The First and Last Letter game

Exercise 7: Guess the Word game

Exercise 8: Catch the Spelling game

Exercise 9: Word Web game

Exercise 10: Memory game (word match)

Exercise 11: Word Search game

Exercise 12: furniture (memory game)

Exercise 13: parts of the house Spanish- English (memory game)

Exercise 14: objects in the house (matching exercise)

Exercise 15: rooms in the house (matching exercise)

Exercise 16: rooms in the house (complete the sentence)

Exercise 17: quiz (rooms in the house) Where do you...?

Exercise 18: objects in the house (memory game)



A way to learn English


Nati's web























































Exercise 1: affirmative (choose)

Exercise 2: affirmative and questions (write)

Exercise 3 : affirmative, questions and negations (write)

Exercise 4: there is / are + how much / many (choose)








Countable / Uncountable

There is / there are




And / but

Unit 5
1r ESO



The house