Unit 1

Introductions and spelling

Exercise: exercise created by Nati Castillo


An / a

Exercise 1: write "a" or "an" (1)

Exercise 2: write "a" or "an" (2)

Exercise 3: write "a" or "an" (3)

Exercise 4: write "a" or "an" (4)


Spelling your surname

Exercise: dialogue


The alphabet

Exercise 1: listen and click on the correct letter .

Exercise 2: click the letters of the alphabet in the correct order.You have 30 seconds!

Exercise 3: alphabet song (1)

Exercise 4: group the letters according to their sound.

Exercise 5: alphabet song (2)

Exercise 6: alphabet song (3)

Exercise 7: click the letters in the correct order (join the dots)http://www.helpme2learn.com/demos/letters-and-numbers/html/Dot1.html

Unit 2

School objects

Exercise 1: presentation of objects. Look, click and listen .

Exercise 2: memory game (1)

Exercise 3: memory game (2)

Exercise 4: memory game (3)

Exercise 5: match the words with the pictures (1)

Exercise 6: match the words with the pictures (2)

Exercise 7: match the words with the pictures (3)

Exercise 8: click on the correct picture.

Exercise 9: write the name of the school object.


Singular and plural

Exercise 1: click on the singular and the plural word.

Exercise 2: match the singular with the plural (regular and irregular)

Exercise 3: memory game (irregular plurals)

Exercis 4: drag the words (irregular plurals)

Exercise 5: choose the singular or the plural form.

Exercise 6: write the plurals (1)

Exercise 7: write the plurals (2)

Exercise 8: write the irregular plurals.

Exercise 9: write the plurals (regular and irregular) (1)

Exercise 10: write the plurals (regular and irregular) (2)

Classroom expressions

Exercise created by Nati Castillo

Unit 3

The numbers

Dialogue - the numbers

Famous names

Saying "Hello" and "Goodbye"



A way to learn English


Nati's web

UNITS 1- 2- 3- 4
UNITS 5- 6- 7- 8
UNITS 9- 10- 11- 12

UNITS 13-14- 15- 16

UNITS 17- 18- 19- 20
UNITS 21- 22- 23- 24

UNITS 25- 26- 27- 28

UNITS 29- 30- 31- 32
UNITS 33- 34- 35- 36
UNITS 37- 38- 39- 40


















































Units 1 - 2- 3 - 4









































Diversitat - Elementary