In Slovakia there is a Republic

Rudolf  Schuster is the President of Slovakia

Mikulas Dzurinda is the Prime Minister

The capital of Slovakia  is Bratislava

In Slovakia   people love playing hockey.

Slovakia is between  Moravia,Rutenia,Hungary and Poland.

In Slovakia the Fortress of Spissky is a very important monument

The official language in Slovakia is the Slovak.

The official religion in Slovakia is the Byzantine Catholic Church, or Greek Catholic. This is an image of Saint Ciril.

In Slovakia there are 5.347.000 inhabitants.

Vocabulary we have learnt

Larger: más grande
Toxic waste/ residues: residuos tóxicos
To squander: malgastar
To recycle: reciclar
To encourage: animar
Public transport: transporte público
Ecological: ecológico
To avoid: evitar
Stripes: rayas
Instead of: en vez de
To endorse: suscribir
To Understand: entender