Unit 1: Fill the gaps

Exercici d'omplir forats

Omple tots els forats, després pitja "Comprovar" per comprovar les teves respostes. Empra el botó "Pista" per a visualitzar la següent lletra de la paraula. També pots pitjar al botó "?" per aconseguir ajuda. Si demanes ajuda o pistes perdràs punts. Vés alerta!
is the function that connects the business with needs in order to get the right product to the right at the right time.

Needs (or wants) are of necessity of something. They are unlimited (we always want more).

There are kinds of needs: non-economic needs and economic .

Non-economic needs can not be satisfied by goods. Example: love.

Economic needs can be satisfied by goods. : hungry.

Goods are the things or services that can satisfy the wants. There are two kinds of goods: goods and goods.

Economic goods are scarce (limited) and have a cost, so usually have a . Example:

goods are not scarce and they don’t require resources to make them, so they do not involve an opportunity cost. Example: sunshine.

goods can satisfy a wish directly. Examples: a sandwich.

goods don’t satisfy a want (or need) directly. They are used to produce other goods and services. Example: tools ("eines").

Non-durable goods satisfy a want directly, but can be used only (one time). Example: ("menjar").

goods satisfy a want directly and can be used times. Example: washing machine.